ALO, Dokter!Jangan lewatkan Live Webinar dengan topik, "What's New on Dental Imaging System: From Entry to Advanced Application".Narasumber: How to Optimize...
Live Webinar Alomedika-What's New on Dental Imaging System: From Entry to Advanced Application. Minggu 15 Agustus 2022 (15.00 - 17.00 WIB) - Diskusi Dokter
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- drg. Sandy Pamadya, Sp.RKG
- drg. Farina Pramanik, Sp.RKG(K), MM
- drg. Muhammad Ryan, Sp.Perio
Live Webinar Alomedika-What's New on Dental Imaging System: From Entry to Advanced Application. Minggu 15 Agustus 2022 (15.00 - 17.00 WIB)
Dibuat 12 Mei 2022, 10:20

drg. Annisa Widiandini
Dokter Gigi
ALO, Dokter!
Jangan lewatkan Live Webinar dengan topik, "What's New on Dental Imaging System: From Entry to Advanced Application".
How to Optimize Dental Radiographic Images
Sharing Experience: The Use of CBCT in Periodontics
Pada hari & tanggal: Minggu, 15 Mei 2022.
Pukul: 15.00 - 17.00 WIB.
Dapatkan 0.5 SKP PDGI dengan mengerjakan post test di aplikasi ALOMEDIKA.
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